Breastfeeding keepsake jewellery.

How to send in your Breastmilk Inclusion

How to safely send your milk to be preserved

  • 5-10ml of milk will make up to three pieces of jewellery. This can be freshly expressed or frozen milk (the length of time it has been frozen for does not affect the quality, I’ve used milk that’s been stored for 6 years and it preserved beautifully). I can work with smaller amounts of milk if you’re not able to express 5ml. Please do not send more than 1oz of milk. For the Breastmilk Rose, 20ml of milk is needed for this, if you’re purchasing jewellery alongside the rose, please send enough milk for your order.

  • I recommend using two milk storage pouches and double bagging the milk to prevent any leaks during transit. If you’re opting for frozen milk, you can send this frozen, and it does not have to be defrosted or prepared in anyway before sending. Please do NOT use sandwich bags of any kind, these are not leakproof.

  • The double bagged pouch can then be sent in a regular envelope with any class of postage (if you do not require tracking), a second class stamp is adequate as the length of time the milk is in transit for does not affect the quality. This milk is not for consumption and doesn’t go ‘off’. For precious milk (for example the last remaining milk you have), I recommend sending the milk tracked/signed for, to give you some extra piece of mind. Please note, you are responsible for paying the correct postage fee to send the inclusion to myself. Please check weight and size limits to ensure the correct stamp is being used.

  • I do keep any extra preserved milk (max 15ml) sent for 6 months. This is incase of any issues with your piece, or for future orders. If you’d rather me not save the extra preserved milk, please make a note of this next to your name, and I’ll discard of the remaining. The 15ml preserved milk will be enough for 3 pieces.

  • Please make sure you include a note with your full name and order number, this is to ensure I can identify it when it arrives. Pop the note inside the envelope and not inside the second storage pouch, milk has leaked previously and damaged notes which left the milk unidentifiable. Unidentifiable milk may be disposed of if there has been no attempt to claim/identify it.

  • Please do not write on the milk bags directly, as the ink from the pen can change the colour of the milk.

  • Please send the envelope to

    Everlasting Love Resin

    12 Pershore Avenue


    Dn34 5PP

  • Please do not arrive at this address without prior arrangements, discussed with Everlasting Love Resin.

  • If you’d like me to notify you when your inclusion arrives, please make me aware of this, and leave your contact number inside the envelope.

  • All inclusions must be sent within 30 days from the order date, unless previous discussions have been made regarding turnaround time and the wait time for the inclusions to be sent.

  • The turnaround time is from the date I receive your inclusion, and not from the date you placed the order. Your order will be ready in 4-6 weeks.

  • Please be mindful if using tape to seal your envelope. Parcels that arrive fully taped, have to be cut to open them, the scissors can accidentally pierce the milk bags and cause the milk to leak and become unusable.